Interfaith helps people help themselves through long-term supportive services, with the ultimate goal of self-sufficiency. Your contribution provides transformative support and crucial access to services.

Ways to Give

Join the 365 Club

Create a recurring monthly automatic donation
from you credit card or debit card. You may
cancel at any time.

Make a One-Time Gift

All donations make an impact! Select “Use Where
the Need is Greatest” or your preferred program
in the drop-down menu.

Leave a Legacy

Designate in your will or living trust a gift of a
specific amount, a percentage of your estate,
and/or specific asset.

Beneficiary designations will name a charity as the beneficiary of all or some percentage of a retirement plan. With these designations, both income and estate taxes are avoided if assets passed directly to the charity.

Donate Stock

Directly transfer your appreciated stock to
Interfaith, avoiding capital gains tax. You may be
entitled to a significant tax deduction.

Maximize your giving with appreciated securities/stock or real estate investments. Two ways to do this are through: 

Charitable remainder Annuity Trust (CRAT), which pays a fixed dollar amount.

Charitable remainder Unitrust (CRUT), which pays a fixed percentage rate based on trust’s current value on assets.

With these stock gifts:

  • Partial income tax deduction
  • No capital gains tax when donated assets sold
  • Estate tax savings
  • With CRUT, income may increase if trust value increase

IRA Contribution

If you are 70 1/2 or older, an IRA gift can
be made up to $100,000 without
incurring federal taxes.

Gifting an IRA to charity is the most tax-effective way to leave money to a charity. At 73, the government will require removal of funds from IRA (Required Minimum Distribution (RMD)). When gifting these funds:

  • Pay no income taxes on transfer/no tax deduction
  • Must transfer from IRA to charity, not transfer out of IRA and then to charity
  • Donors aged 70 ½ or older with an annual cap of $100,000 in any one year

Donor Advised Fund (DAF)

Work with your financial advisor to learn
the tax benefits of designating Interfaith as the
recipient of your distribution.

A Donor Advised Fund is one that makes grants to charity, but without the expense or administrative burden. With DAF:

  • Immediately receive the maximum tax deduction the IRS allows
  • Grant in future years as you wish to charity
  • Charity assumes all administrative duties for the fund and grants
  • Easier than creating a private foundation
  • Donors make initial payment for a fixed set term of years; remainder goes to family.  

Fundraise on Social Media

Enact social change on social media by creating
a fundraiser to benefit Interfaith.

Donate by Mail


Mail donations to:

550 W. Washington Ave.

Escondido, CA 92025