Sara, Senior



Sara joined Interfaith Transitional Youth Academy program in June 2022 and will be going into her senior year in High School. Sara was kicked out of her mother’s house in July 2022 and was no longer wanted in her house. Mother did not want to be financially responsible for her and said she could no longer take care of her. Sara moved into her father’s home which she had not seen or spent time with over the last 10 years. Her parents got a divorce when she was 5 years old and states how difficult it was for her growing up. Sara was living with her dad, grandpa, and older brother but as of May she moved. Sara has been staying with friends and her current boyfriend. Sara ran away from her dad’s house due to her mental health state and how hard it was to financially sustain herself and her family. Sara was working full time to be able to pay for her own groceries and expenses because her dad was irresponsible and would not contribute with any bills. Sara states her living situation was not healthy and would constantly see her dad intoxicated at home and doing unforgettable things. Sara had to prioritize her mental health and that is also a big reason why she had stopped working for a period during the school year because her grades were declining. Sara said she had no other option but to leave her dad’s house. Sara wanted to sign up for TYA’s summer internship to be able to pay for her own expenses and has been making great relationships with staff and management at her internship site. Sara has also been able to receive supports through the school year with basic needs and financial support with paying for her AP Exams. Sara will continue to get support from her Case Manager throughout her senior year to ensure she is able to reach her goals and attend senior events.