Ava, 11th Grade
Ava is a junior attending High School. She lives with her parents and her two siblings. She had been
enrolled in the Interfaith Transitional Youth Academy since August 2022, and constantly seeks out
community when she is with Case Manager and other students that are also enrolled. She has had
difficulty making it to school and completing assignments due to lacking emotional support at home. Her
goal is to start doing more self-care activities, going on walks, and working on her passion with painting
and drawing. Ava states that that painting and drawing is a passion she found to help whenever she
feels sad or upset. Another one of her goals is to reach out to teachers about being able to make up
tests and assignments to hopefully raise her grades, she has started reaching out to other tutoring
resources on campus. This past summer was difficult due to losing one of her dogs because of old age,
this is the first time she has had to face losing a pet and it was difficult express how she was feeling at
the time and even now. With the support of her Case Manager and the community that Interfaith
Transitional Youth Academy has created, Ava continues open up and has started sharing more about
herself and what she enjoys.